Psiworld Hints and Spoilers

Mission 2: A Night Out

  • Try to use the Forget power to make the one thug forget, and draw the others into the alley you ran through to get there. Let the bank manager run by you. He will usually stay in the upper portion of the street, and you can give him the money without triggering the cultists.
  • Use the CP to buy attributes; you will need them soon.

    Mission 3a: Don't Let the Neighbors know

  • There is a CP canister behind and to the left of where you start the mission.
  • Be careful of all citizens who aren't dressed in that ugly pink or green dress with the little hat. If you use a mental power around them they will panic and you will fail the secondary1 objective. If you do goof, DON"T KO THEM! You will punished 100PP every time you do. Use forget to blank them and make them permanently ignore you.
  • Use your protect power. The cult_enforcer2 have a double attack with knives, and will bring you down. Also, getting close snough to fight one will usually trigger a second, and you can get ganged up on quickly.
  • Take the PP canister beneath the tree in the labyrinth before interviewing the cultist priest; otherwise you will lose it.
  • Use the cops. Most are crack shots, and you can use your powers around them. Draw the cultists especially into their range of fire.
  • The cultists aren't very dangerous by themselves; but they stun you A LOT, and four or five of them or one with a cult enforcer around present a wicked team that will take you down quickly.
  • After interrogating the priest, don't try to decode the computer. It is a guaranteed failure, and will spawn a whole bunch of badies to pound on you. Instead, go back to the labytrinth, and a teleporter is spawned there where the PP was. Use move to, and wait. A regprox will kick in and teleport you away to the inside of the temple.

    Mission 3b: Bearding the Lion

  • Let slider do most of the work. Have Sleepwalker concentrate on one thing -- stopping the priests (purple darkmen) from hitting the alarm switches in various places. Make them forget, and they will permanently wander. If you do not, and they reach it, they will spawn about eight more bad guys each. They will react as soon the door into their area is broken through, or they can see you.
  • You can use slider best by increasing his mass, and then using grav slide to get everywhere. Interrupt one slide to start another. A glitch in ffx allows speed to increase by three with every sprint, so he ends up moving like a rocket, and packs the punch of a mountain! :-). If you use gravity twist in a group, the KB multiplier is STILL applied and thus, the people thrown take about 40pts of KB damage.
  • There is a CP cannister, 2 HP cannisters, 2 EP Cannisters, and a PP cannister. Make sure you check under every table! Use the cannisters rather the hero point; you will need it later. 4. Make certain you are healed up before fixing the scanner; the preserver and his elite are NASTY, and it will be a tough fight. Use Sleepwalker to hypnotise the preserver and his two elites; send slider after the other two across the room. It is the only way I have found of succeeding.
  • Once the elites are taken care of, the preserver can be taken down by having him either forget or hypnotised, and then bring slider up close (massed up) to punch him. He will not do KB, but he will do decent damage and eventually wear the preserver down.

    Mission 4a: Probe

  • Head for the red arrow as quickly as possible. If you do not, the soldiers will KO enough citizens to fail the mission. Beware! Those same citizens will react just like the ones in Mission 3a! And this time, it is ALL of them!
  • If you used slider rather than a custom, DECREASE his mass, grav slide past the cult baddies, and get to the soldiers as soon as possible. THen mass him up twice, gravslide in, and use gravity twist. Be careful, 'cause the soldiers have multishot guns, and if your timid attribute kicks in then poltergeist is going to wreak real havoc.
  • Use sleepwalker to hypnotise as many of the soldiers as possible. It is a penetrating beam, so target beyond, and use the corners of buildings.
  • Once the soldiers are defeated, there is a second wave. After defeating them, and before interrogating the lieutenant, use scan to find all the other baddies and take them out. interrogating him wins the mission.

    Mission 4b: Q&A

  • This is pretty straight forward. Keep to the outside edges, and draw the soldiers in. If you head towards the center, you will trigger a cutscene with the Captain, and release ALL the baddies from sleep. Take out all the outer guards.
  • Let Monkey's Paw go her own way after freeing her. She will find ways to amuse herself, and won't trigger the cut scene. Her monkeypaw attribute is guaranteed to make things interesting!
  • After the confrontation with the captain, gravslide slider into their midst, and gravity twist everyone away. Make certain you send sleepwalker AWAY from the guns using the sandpile. Then keep her at the fringes, hypnotising enemies when close enough. This works especially well with the wardog. He chomps up soldiers real good!
  • Have slider throw the oil cans at the dog or the captain once the soldiers are gone. Keep him massed up, or he will never have enough hitpoints to survive.
  • Hypnotise the captain as often as possible, and after the warhound is KO'd, use slider to deck him.
  • After the interrogation, you can do what you wish. Either action (going out the way you came, or finding the neighbors) will win the mission. However, if you run, you will take an 8000 PP penalty, and have a variable set to trigger coding giving you the same effects as scary. All cops will shoot at you, and citizens will often panic. We are, after all, playing heroes. It is much better to be heroic! :-)

    Mission 5: On the road

    Not yet available